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Good morning. Overcoming a problem gives you a sense of encouragement and meaning. However, there will always be something to deal with in the world. Don’t let it overwhelm you, let it challenge you to be better than you could ever be. Allow it to make you stronger. What hill are you climbing today? 

“After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.”

-Nelson Mandela

Have a great day!


Good morning. 

What are you striving for? How are you going to get there? Don’t wait for opportunity to come to you because it rarely does. Go after it and make it happen. Be proactive and not reactive. Control what you can, yourself. How can you get motivated to pursue your dreams today?

“A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.”

-Francis Bacon

Have a great day!

Succeed or survive? 

Good morning. Succeed or survive? It’s your choice. We are wired to survive. We don’t want to stretch or grow because that is uncomfortable. Success can only come through growth so we have to push ourselves beyond what comes natural. Start with consistency and discipline to rewire our brain to be the best we can be. What do you need to change today to get uncomfortable and move forward?

“Our brain is not programmed for success. It’s programmed for survival.”

-Rory Vaden

Have a great day!



Good morning. It is much easier and much more enjoyable to do something when you know how to do it well. Excellence. To go along with that word is attitude because you can know how to do something well but if the attitude is negative then it is not fun. Learn how to do what you do well and have a positive attitude about it.  

“The secret of joy in work is contained in one word – excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.”

-Pearl S. Buck

Have a great day!


Good morning. Keep moving. The world doesn’t stop moving so when you stop, life doesn’t. Even mistakes are movement and can result in growth. We all need to stop at some point to rest and recover and that will actually help to keep you going. You have to keep moving if you want to be successful at what you do. What are some things you may need to stop doing so that you can move forward with what is important?

“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.”

-Conrad Hilton

Have a great day! 


Thank you!

Good morning. Who has helped you get where you are today? Did you thank them? Many times we forget to say thank you to the people who have done the most in our lives. Gratitude is so powerful. Gratitude shows humility and respect to the person you thank. It shows that you acknowledge another human being for doing something for you. Make sure that you say thank you today.
“No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.”

-Alfred North Whitehead

Have a great day!


Good morning. What are you afraid of? How does that stop you from living out your passions? We miss out on so much if we let fear and hesitation into our heads. Follow your heart. Go with what feels right and don’t be afraid to have some fun. What do you need to jump into with everything you have?
“If you go around being afraid, you’re never going to enjoy life. You have only one chance, so you’ve got to have fun.”

-Lindsey Vonn

Have a great day!

Who are you?

Good morning. 

Who are you? What do you live to do? Follow your passions and be who you are supposed to be. Find out how you are wired and do it. Finding yourself will help you find peace. How can you discover your purpose and what can you do to fulfill that desire?

“A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.”

-Abraham Maslow

Have a great day!

How is your day?

Good morning,

How is your day so far? Most days we wake up and start right into worrying about what we have to do today instead of realizing how beautiful today really is. You have so much potential to unleash today, you just need the action to back it up. Make today your best day ever! How is today a great day for you?

“When was the last time you woke up and realized that today could be the best day of your life?”

-Steve Maraboli

Have a great day!

Coach Shai 


Good morning,

Do you like to ask questions? Life has a very strange way of teaching you things. Always ask yourself what you can learn from a situation. Always look for ways to grow. What questions do you need to ask yourself today in order to get where you want to be?

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.”
-Albert Einstein

Have a great day!

Coach Shai 

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