If your skin lacks a healthy glow, there’s no need to stress. Rejuvenate it!
Do you ever look in the mirror and notice that you’re not looking your best? Something is a bit off, but you just can’t seem to put your finger on what it is. It could be that your reflection is showing you lackluster, dull skin. But, no worries––you can rejuvenate it.
What is dull skin? By definition it simply means that your skin is lacking in brightness. It looks tired. No matter what you do in the moment it just looks dull. Is this something that can be fixed with a good night of beauty sleep? Not necessarily. But there are things you can do to help bring back that youthful-looking glow to your skin.
If there’s one thing most of us know, it’s the importance of a healthy diet. Proper nutrition benefits the entire body and is responsible for helping us look and feel our best. Your skin is a direct reflection of everything that’s going on inside your body. When you aren’t getting proper nutrition, the negative signs will show up on your skin. Your complexion will be void of that healthy glow that we all strive for. Everything you consume can impact the appearance of your skin.
Proper cleansing is the first step in any skincare regimen. To be effective, it should be done every morning after you wake up and every evening before bedtime. It’s important to choose a gentle cleanser that’s designed to meet the needs of your skin type, whether it’s dry, oily or combination. Your skin is exposed to many impurities throughout the day. Just coming into contact with plain old dust and pollution on a daily basis can be detrimental to the appearance of your skin. When dirt, oil, makeup and pollution are not properly washed away, you may start to get drab, dull skin. But it doesn’t just end there. Over time, you could also experience clogged pores, blemishes and breakouts.
Boy, the sun can sure cause damage to unprotected skin. In fact, the sun’s damaging UVA and UVB rays can age and burn the skin. Have you ever taken a good look at yourself after your skin has started to tan? It probably looks a bit dry, rough and wrinkled. Over-exposure to the sun can dull your skin’s appearance and even make you look older. Never go in the sun without applying an effective broad spectrum sunscreen. Everyone’s needs differ, but for ordinary sun exposure during the day, using at least SPF30 sunscreen is recommended.
Well, it’s not exactly about working too hard, but more about the long hours spent at the office. That’s where you’re most likely sitting indoors, exposed to forced heat or air-conditioning all day long. What you really need is some nice, fresh, non-recycled air to keep your skin from looking dull. The closed environment, coupled with the day-to-day stresses of commuting, meetings and short deadlines, can result in dull, drab skin. It’s important to give your skin (your whole self, actually) a much needed break. So, walk away from your computer screen, get some fresh air and make sure you have plenty of moisturizer on your skin to keep it hydrated and protected.
Your skin benefits from daily exercise, which can turn drab, dull skin into beautiful, glowing skin. When you exercise and your heart is really pumping, it helps deliver oxygenated blood directly to cells throughout your body. With improved circulation, your skin takes on that healthy, youthful, post-workout glow. It’s a win-win for your body and your skin. So, try to get some exercise every day—even if it’s just a brisk walk after work to help you unwind.
Find out more at: http://ift.tt/1b0P47N
Mindless eating can lead to overeating and digestive woes. But when you eat mindfully, you tend to slow down and eat less – just enough so that you’re comfortable, not stuffed.
Even if you’ve never heard the term “mindless eating”, chances are good that you’ve experienced it. Can’t remember what you ate for dinner because you were so focused on the television show you were watching? That’s mindless eating. Ever finish an entire bucket of popcorn at the movies and ask yourself, “did I really eat all that?” That’s mindless eating, too.
Mindless eating is what happens when you eat – and overeat – without really thinking about it. When you eat mindlessly, you don’t ask yourself if you’re truly hungry, or question whether your portion is too large, or if the food even tastes good to you. You just eat it. And that’s because you’re not paying attention to your body’s internal signals – like the ones that tell you that you’re hungry, or when you’re comfortably full. Instead, you’re responding other cues push you to eat and overeat. Maybe you’re stressed or anxious or bored, or you eat something that’s offered to you – even though you’re not hungry at all.
Mindless eating often leads you to take in a lot more calories than you should – and you may eat much too quickly, too. You may not chew your food thoroughly, which means you’re probably swallowing a lot of air while you’re gulping it down. And, during an episode of rapid-fire overeating, you may not immediately realize how full you are. That’s because it takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to let your brain know that you’re full – and by that time you’ve already overdone it. So it’s no wonder that discomfort – in the form of indigestion or bloating – can set in.
So what would happen if you turned “mindless eating” around, and practiced more “mindful eating” instead?
Mindful eating is just what it sounds like. When you eat mindfully, you try to become more aware of your internal signals of hunger and fullness – which means really listening to your body. You become more in touch with the eating experience – which means you’re likely to enjoy it more while eating less.
Mindful eating means slowing yourself down and taking the time to appreciate how the food looks on the plate, how it smells, and how it tastes. If you’re with others, you take pleasure in their company – and if you’re eating alone, you take pleasure in being able to focus on your meal and enjoy it without distraction. The other benefit? By slowing down, you’ll learn to be satisfied with appropriate portions – which will help curb the tendency to overeat – and your digestive system won’t be overburdened. Not only will this help keep your calories in check, but it gives your system time to properly digest your meal, too.
Find out more at: http://ift.tt/1b0P47N
If you want six-pack abs, you need to know how to work all of the muscles that make up your core. There are five major muscles that you need to work to get a flat tummy and strong midsection.
Your core is made up of much more than your six-pack muscles. All humans are born with six-pack abs, but for the majority of people they ’re hidden behind a layer of abdominal fat. Working your core muscles with specific exercises will help make them bigger and more defined.
In order to get six-pack abs, I suggest doing a comprehensive exercise routine that effectively burns fat, strengthens your muscle and works the core. I like to say that ‘six-packs are made in the kitchen,’ because good nutrition is essential if you want to display these muscles or any other muscles in your body.
Below are some exercises to work each of the muscles that make up your core complex, as part of your well-balanced fitness routine.
Crunches are a simple, yet effective exercise that will activate the abdominals, the most external of the core muscles. These are the famous six-pack muscles.
How to do it: Lie face up on the floor with your knees up and bent. Begin the crunch movement by contracting your abs to curl your shoulders towards the pelvis. Clasp your hands behind your neck or crossed over your chest. Injury can be caused by pushing against your head or neck with your hands, so be careful to use your abs and not your head to lift your shoulders off the floor. Hold for a second then return to starting position.
How many: 15-20 perfect form crunches, 3-5 sets.
The muscles at the side of your waist are called the internal and external obliques. These muscles are important for stability, especially for movements that involve lateral (sideways) movements.
To activate these muscles, you’ll need to perform exercises that involve side bending or twisting. The bicycle ab crunch is my favorite exercise for working the obliques.
How to do it: Lie on your back on the floor. Stretch your legs out straight and place your hands behind your head. Raise your legs one at a time so that your thighs are perpendicular to the ground and your calves are parallel to the ground. Keep your feet together. Contract your abdominal muscles and touch your right elbow to your left knee. At the same time, straighten your right leg out in front, keeping it several inches off of the floor. Then switch, bending your right leg and straightening your left, like pedaling a bicycle. Use your abdominal muscles to crunch your body forward so that your elbow can reach your knee.
Note: Do not pull on your neck. It’s OK if you can’t quite reach your elbow to you knee.
How many: 30 seconds of bicycle crunches, 3-5 times.
The deep stabilizing muscle that connects the upper and lower body is called the quadratus lumborum. It’s an important muscle for stabilizing the hips and the spine, and it also plays a role with the diaphragm for deep breathing.
This muscle is worked with side bending or twisting movements. My favorite exercise to strengthen this muscle is the side plank.
How to do it: Lie on the floor on your side. Place your hand on the floor under you and straighten your arm, raising the top half of your body off the ground. Raise your other arm straight up, or let it rest on your side. Keep your legs straight, letting the lower half of your body rest on your underside leg.
How many: Try to hold this position for 45-60 seconds, and then repeat on the other side.
The hip flexor muscle, called the psoas major, is used for all activities that involve moving your legs. My favorite exercise for working this muscle is the lying down leg raise.
How to do it: Lie on your back on a mat. Place your hands under your butt to stabilize your pelvis. Without letting your lower back lift, pull your knees toward your chest, then straighten your legs back to the starting position. To increase the resistance, try the exercise with straight legs. To increase the difficulty, do leg raises on an incline bench.
How many: Start out doing 10 raises, 3 sets. If your back starts to lift, stop, because you’ll be engaging the incorrect muscles.
What I call the flat tummy muscle, the transverse abdominal, is a deep core muscle that’s responsible for stabilizing your spine and pelvis, especially for lifting movements. The best exercise is so easy you can do it anywhere—it’s called the vacuum.
How to do it: You can do this exercise while sitting up or lying down. It can be done in bed, at the office, or while driving your car. All you have to do is suck your belly in as far as you can and hold. Make sure you’re pulling your abs in as if they’re meeting your back.
How many: Hold your tummy for 10 to 15 seconds then release. Try to continue breathing and don’t hold your breath.
Find out more at: http://ift.tt/1b0P47N
By David Heber, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.S.N., chairman, Herbalife Nutrition Institute July 25, 2017 The human gut is known as the “forgotten organ” inside the body filled with trillions of microbes, the genes of microorganisms that help break down…
Read more on The Universe Within: How Gut Bacteria Influence Our Health at I Am Herbalife.
By Dana Ryan, Ph.D., M.A., Senior Manager, Sports Performance and Education July 20, 2017 There are a myriad of ways to derail your sports performance or exercise plan: injury, exhaustion, and dehydration, to name a few. As much as…
Read more on A Gut Feeling: How Exercise and Digestion Go Hand In Hand at I Am Herbalife.
By Susan Bowerman, M.S., R.D., C.S.S.D., F.A.N.D., Director, Worldwide Nutrition Education and Training, Herbalife Nutrition July 18, 2017 Ever had “butterflies in your stomach”? How about a “gut instinct”? Maybe a “gut-wrenching experience”? When a “gut check” tells you…
Read more on The Brain-Gut Connection at I Am Herbalife.
Traveling can disrupt your usual diet and exercise routine, but there are ways you can enjoy your vacation without gaining weight.
When you’re planning a vacation, you probably start by figuring out your destination, how you’re going to get there, where you’re going to stay, and what you’ll want to do once you get there. If you’re like many of my clients, there may be something else you might plan for when you travel—gaining weight. However, I’m going to tell you how you can take a vacation and avoid weight gain.
Many people tell me that they just can’t stay on their diets while they’re on vacation. Admittedly, it’s a challenge. But when people plan to gain weight when they’re traveling, it sounds to me as if they don’t even want to try to stay on track. Vacations can turn your structured world upside down, which is one of the reasons we enjoy taking them. But just because you’re traveling doesn’t mean you have to bring back excess baggage around your waist, hips and thighs.
No matter where you go or how you get there, it really helps if you’re well prepared. Aim to stick to your usual routines as much as you can.
Find out more at: http://ift.tt/1b0P47N
Air travel can take a toll on your skin. With these tips, you can arrive at your final destination with a fabulous and refreshed complexion.
Have you ever boarded an airplane looking fabulous and landed looking like you’ve aged 10 years? Well, you’re not alone. Airplane cabins have extremely low humidity, which can cause your skin to become dehydrated quickly. The re-circulated dry air in the cabin is on a search for moisture, and that search usually ends with your skin being sucked dry. Not only will dry skin become drier, but oily skin can become even oilier. Seems crazy, but it’s true. When skin loses its water, it tends to produce more oil to compensate for the loss. So, what can you do to look after your skin? Read on to learn my few simple skincare tips for air travel.
First, get a thorough understanding of what you can and cannot bring with you on your flight. There’s nothing more inconvenient than having the flight plan of your favorite skincare products redirected to the trash bin.
Pack a small, clear zip-lock bag with all of your travel essentials, including a hydrating cleanser, moisturizer, lip balm, hand sanitizer and hand cream. The maximum size, based on FTA guidelines, is 3.4 ounces (100ml) per product. It’s important to have your favorite products on hand to apply throughout the flight. So, remember to plan ahead.
Ladies, do I dare say it? To help your skin, you need to avoid wearing makeup while in an airplane. If you absolutely cannot go barefaced, you’ll need to make some compromises. Make sure to avoid any foundation or powders, as they definitely contribute to the drying of the skin. But I see no harm in a bit of mascara and a swipe of lip-gloss. Before I board a flight with a full face on, I always give my skin a quick cleansing in the powder room with a moisturizing cleanser or makeup removing wipes. It’s the best thing you can do for your skin, especially on long flights.
Make sure to have your moisturizer conveniently on hand throughout the flight. This means your products must stay with you and never make it into the overhead bin. The longer the flight, the more frequently you should moisturize. Your skin will thank you.
Seems crazy that we would need to be concerned about the sun’s rays while sitting in an airplane, but think about it: when flying, we’re closer to the sun and in thinner atmosphere. Unfortunately, the windows on planes aren’t capable of filtering out the damaging UV rays. So, wear your moisturizer with SPF, shut the shade and choose an aisle seat over a window seat if you can.
And I don’t mean alcohol! It’s easy to fend off the fear of turbulence with a glass of wine or two, but drinking water will keep your body hydrated while flying. Avoid further dehydration by skipping the alcohol and drink lots of water. Nutrition expert Susan Bowerman suggests that you should drink a glass of water for each hour you’re in the air.
When you reach your final destination, be sure to give your skin a good cleansing with a gentle facial cleanser or scrub. This will help remove the dry skin cells and excess oils that may have appeared during the flight. To really get your skin back in tip-top shape, moisturize from head to toe when you get to your hotel room or home.
Be sure to follow these easy skincare tips while traveling. Your skin will look hydrated and refreshed, and no one will ever know by looking at you that you have been on a very long journey.
Find out more at: http://ift.tt/1b0P47N
Travel or sudden changes in your schedule can wreak havoc on your weight management and fitness plan. If you travel frequently and have trouble maintaining your fitness level on the go, here’s how you can stay fit while you’re away from home.
Airport food, unexpected travel delays and lost luggage are enough to make even the most disciplined health guru reach for a sugary treat. If you’re a frequent business traveler, or if you plan on seasonal traveling with your family, there are certain things you need to commit to in order to stay fit while traveling. For starters, you must understand what your body needs so you can stay balanced and be at your best—especially when you’re away from home.
Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “It takes a long time to create healthy habits, but one bad day can throw off your rhythm for weeks.” I think this saying is quite accurate. So, in that light, here are my top tips to help you reinforce your fitness plan and stay balanced when traveling.
Don’t wait until the day of, or even the day before, you travel to pack your bag. Pack a few days in advance so you can save the day before you leave to squeeze in a workout. I find packing the most stressful part of business travel, so getting this out of the way a few days in advance means that I’m a little more relaxed on travel day.
Plan your week and adjust your workout routine so that your travel day becomes your scheduled rest day from exercise.
Stress is one of the main culprits that lead to poor eating and fitness disruption. My advice is to get organized to limit your stress. You know that getting through security at the airport is a stressful process, so ensure that all of your liquids are the right size and within easy reach. Keep your travel bag organized, and pack a few healthy snacks so that you aren’t tempted by all of the junk food available at airport terminals.
Arriving at your destination feeling relaxed is important if you want to get your workout routine up and running right away. Some travel essentials you should remember to pack are earplugs, eye mask, flight socks to help with blood circulation in your legs, a neck pillow and a warm sweater. These items may weigh you down a little, but trust me, traveling with some of your own comforts can provide pleasant relief from listening to loud conversations or not being able to rest because the light’s in your eyes. Not to mention that exercising will be the last thing on your mind if your neck is stiff when you land.
Always remember to pack your workout clothes and shoes so you can stay fit while you’re away. Sounds simple, but this is something that people often forget while traveling. In fact, you can keep a spare set of workout clothes in your carry-on bag. You never know when surprises like someone spilling a drink on you might occur. Workout clothes are lightweight and practical. Just think that if your checked bag goes missing, you won’t have an excuse for missing a workout.
Hydration is the most important thing to remember when you travel. Dehydration can affect your skin, your energy level, and it can lead to headaches and negatively impact your digestive system. The great news is that you can easily get water on the plane. If you have your own personal container, it will serve as a good reminder to keep sipping.
Good food while traveling is harder to come by. Given the risk of travel delays, you could ruin your healthy eating plan if you’re not prepared. Pack nutrient-rich snacks in your bag, such as nuts or protein bars, to help keep you full and away from unhealthy choices. With time changes, you’ll want to keep your body fueled throughout the day to avoid binging at meal times due to excessive hunger.
Fitting in some exercise during your trip may help you to sleep better and be more mentally alert in your activities. If going to the gym is not possible, simply commit to a quick 20-minute routine in your room at morning and a 10-minute stretch at night. If you make regular exercise a necessary part of your travel schedule, you’ll have a better chance of staying on track with your health and fitness goals.
Find out more at: http://ift.tt/1b0P47N
By Susan Bowerman, M.S., R.D., C.S.S.D., F.A.N.D., Director, Worldwide Nutrition Education and Training, Herbalife Nutrition July 14, 2017 You might think that your digestive system serves only to help you process and extract the nutrients in your foods. It does…
Read more on The Difference between Probiotics and Prebiotics at I Am Herbalife.