Here’s a great foundation workout designed to keep your mind engaged and your body progressing. It requires no equipment – you will be using your own body weight to create resistance. It consist of five key moves, 12-16 reps each, to be done in a total of three rounds. Now get ready to get fit!
happy middle aged woman exercise with barbell
By David Heber, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.S.N., Chairman of the Herbalife Nutrition Advisory Board and Herbalife Nutrition Institute I was recently a guest speaker at the European Obesity Summit 2016 in Gothenburg, Sweden. This is one of the major scientific…
Read more on A Global Nutrition Philosophy To Support Healthy Aging
Here’s a great foundation workout designed to keep your mind engaged and your body progressing. It requires no equipment – you will be using your own body weight to create resistance. It consist of five key moves, 12-16 reps each, to be done in a total of three rounds. Now get ready to get fit!
Find out more at:
Whether you want to raise superstar athletes or just emphasize the importance of physical fitness in order to raise healthy, active kids, it’s never too late to get started on a family fitness journey.
There’s never been a better time to get active with your family! If you’re looking to change your children’s current lifestyle and make healthier choices, then I have six great tips that may help you get or stay on a path to raising healthy, active kids. An active lifestyle is a great family goal that can be achieved with a few creative changes.
1) Talk to your child’s physician
I always advise that you talk to your child’s doctor about what kind of fitness is right for them —especially if it’s a drastic lifestyle change. The words ‘active’ and ‘kids’ used to go hand in hand, but in today’s modern world, many kids hardly ever run around or play sports. Going from complete inactivity to a sudden active lifestyle can be a shock to the system. All changes in physical activity should be gradual. Checking your kids’ health before making any lifestyle changes should be the first step to achieving your family’s fitness goals.
2) Create a routine
The best way to get going on your family fitness journey is to write out a schedule and pick two activity days per week. Consider planning outdoor activities such as hikes, bike rides or sports to make it feel less like a duty and more like playtime. The more you can involve your kids in the planning process, the more enthusiastic they will be about the change.
3) Embrace modern technology
If you have children that are reliant on modern technology such as computers, video games, and tablets, you might face a full-blown rebellion if you try to swap gadgets for family fitness time. Instead, you can embrace modern technology and ease into an active lifestyle with fitness games and challenges. There are many dance, fitness and activity games available that combine technology with simple tasks to help entertain kids into getting active. This tip shouldn’t take away from traditional outdoor activities, but it’s a step in the right direction.
4) Go back to basics and keep it simple
Remember how much fun it was to play a simple game of catch with your friends when you were younger? As you move towards more traditional fitness-based activities, focus on fun coordination and body awareness moves. Kids have developing nervous systems and would benefit greatly from engaging both small and large motor skills. These activities include kicking, catching and hopping, and they could feel more like a game rather than fitness.
5) Be smart about fitness
Children get so many ideas of what think they can do. Your child may see photos in the media of other kids lifting heavy weights. In reality, it’s not a good idea for children to be doing heavy lifting. There are differing opinions on the correct age that children should start lifting weights, and it’s a decision that should be discussed with your child’s physician. I believe doing exercises that use your body weight are a perfect way to build strength for kids and adults. I started my weights program at the age of 15. My husband started using weights at the age of 17, and we’ve both been successful in the fitness world. My children will be well into their teens before they touch a weight. Until then, they’re going to have fun with squats, pushups and playing on the monkey bars!
6) Lead by example
The greatest gift you can give your children is to lead by example by practicing healthy habits. Try popping in a fitness DVD or follow a fitness routine on the computer to set an active example. If your young children want to join in, you should let them! Just make sure they stay away from the equipment, especially weight machines and treadmills. A fall on a moving treadmill can cause permanent scarring and burns (I know this from personal experience – you don’t need to make the same mistake!).
We can all make healthier choices to lead our children down a healthy, active path. If you keep it fun for them, you can set them up for a lifetime of being active.
Written by Samantha Clayton, A.F.A.A., I.S.S.A. Samantha is Sr. Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife.
Moving your body while flying on an airplane is critical to your overall wellbeing while you are up in the air and when you land.
I’ve been doing a lot of flying recently and although I’ve been to some great places and met wonderful people, it still means I’ve been sitting down for long periods of time. That’s just not something my body is used to doing. In fact, I’m such a believer in keeping my body moving that I find it hard to sit still at home, too.
How often have you seen a kid sitting still for a long time?
My constant need for movement makes me laugh as I remind myself that I am always telling my kids to stop fidgeting and sit still. I’m typing this while confined to a chair and I’ve been hit by a revelation – kids have got the right idea. With all the known facts about how movement can improve your mood, it makes sense that kids are almost always happy. And it makes me wonder: should we ever be sat in one position for hours at a time?
It’s my opinion that the human body is designed for movement. Sitting still for prolonged periods of time isn’t a great idea, as it can impact your circulation and make you feel stiff. Many airlines provide an exercise sheet to encourage you to stretch and wiggle your feet to keep your circulation moving efficiently and I encourage you to follow their instructions. Don’t feel that completing the exercise card routine once is enough – you need to listen to your body. If you’re on a long flight, then revisit the exercise card routine every couple of hours and add your own moves to make sure stiffness doesn’t get a chance to build up anywhere. For instance, if you spend a lot of time reading or staring at a screen then loosen up your neck muscles periodically. And, if you fall asleep at an odd angle, then take the time to work out all the kinks systematically when you wake up.
Channel your inner child: keep on moving
Wondering about all this made me decide to do what my body wanted: move around. I just stepped into the aisle and stretched. And you know what? It felt wonderful. My low-key aisle aerobics were certainly worth the looks and smiles I received from fellow passengers.
I made sure not to get in anyone’s way and made the most of the small amount of space available. I’m not tall, so reaching for the ceiling felt great and releasing the tension that had built up in my neck and shoulders was a relief. I’d say a few people were intrigued by my actions and unfortunately everyone was too shy to join me. We are taught from a young age to sit still and not cause a fuss, but one curious passenger on my right asked a few fitness questions and I was happy to explain. I’m on a mission to inspire people to take ownership of their bodies. And if that means I also need to help people free themselves from social awkwardness, then so be it. Let’s all rid ourselves of the social awkwardness that comes hand in hand with going outside of what is considered normal.
Since returning to my seat, I’ve been daydreaming of how fun it would be if air stewards interrupted the quiet, sedentary, slumber with some upbeat music combined with a few chair exercises to revitalize and energize passengers. It could even be done using the TV system or they could do it over the intercom. I’m convinced it would spark conversations among chair partners about their views on movement or lack of it. I’m sure you have a few thoughts on whether this is a good or bad idea, but whatever you think you know it will make for a more interesting flight.
Follow these tips and you’ll feel great when you land
Hydrate Often
Drink enough to stay hydrated inside and out. You may find that your skin looks better for it even after the harsh air conditioning onboard. You’re also more likely to avoid a dehydration headache if you drink frequently enough to avoid ever feeling really thirsty. Drinking often will also mean that you have no choice but to move because you’ll be going to the bathroom.
Sit Comfortably
Sitting with your back fully supported in the chair and being mindful of your posture combined with occasional lower leg, neck and shoulder stretches will ensure you get off your flight feeling refreshed and ready for action.
Move Your Body
At regular intervals throughout the flight, make sure you move. Make time to follow the exercise card if it’s provided, and embrace your inner child by fidgeting to your heart’s content.
When I get off a plane, I have to hit the road full steam ahead whether I’m headed to a fitness class or home to my excited (and fidgeting) children. It’s important that my body is feeling great and I’m ready to tackle my next challenge head on. So, next time you fly, shake your shyness and move around a little! You may be surprised by how liberated you feel.
Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA. Samantha is Sr. Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife.
By Dana Ryan, Ph.D., Sports Performance and Education, Herbalife June 26, 2016 Today is Olympic Day and the excitement is building for the Games in Rio in August. Olympic Day was created in 1948 as a way to commemorate the…
Read more on Herbalife Celebrates Olympic Day as Athletes Prepare for Rio at I Am Herbalife.
If your skin is looking dull, there’s no need to stress. Rejuvenate it!
Do you ever look in the mirror and notice that you’re not looking your best? Something is a bit off but you just can’t seem to put your finger on what it is. It could be that your skin is looking a bit dull. But, no worries, rejuvenate it!
What is dull skin? By definition it simply means that your skin is lacking in brightness. It looks tired. And no matter what you do in that moment it just looks dull. Is this something that can be fixed with a good night of beauty filled sleep? Not necessarily. But there are definitely reasons why your skin may have lost its brilliance.
There are things that you can do to help bring back that youthful looking glow to your skin. But first, let’s identify some reasons why your skin is looking tired and dull to begin with.
Neglecting Your Diet
If there’s one thing most of us know, it’s the importance of a healthy diet. Proper nutrition benefits the entire body and is responsible for helping us look and feel our best. Your skin is a direct reflection of everything that is going on inside of your body. And, when you aren’t getting proper nutrition the negative signs will show up on your skin. Your complexion will be void of that healthy glow that we all strive for. Everything you put into your body can impact the appearance of your skin. Next time you have a fun filled weekend and maybe drink or smoke too much, take a good, long look at yourself in the mirror in the morning. You will definitely recognize a significant change in the appearance of your skin.
Forgetting to Cleanse Your Skin
Proper cleansing is the first step in any skin care regimen. And, to be effective, should be done every evening before bedtime and every morning when you wake up. It’s important to choose a gentle cleanser that is designed to meet the needs of your skin type, be it dry, oily, combination, etc. Your skin is exposed to many impurities throughout the day. Just coming into contact with plain old dust and pollution on a daily basis can be detrimental to the appearance of your skin. When dirt, oil, makeup and pollution are not properly washed away, your skin may start to look dull and drab. But it doesn’t just end there. Over time, you could also experience clogged pores, blemishes and breakouts.
Unprotected Sun Exposure
Boy, can the sun sure cause damage to unprotected skin. The damaging UVA and UVB rays of the sun can definitely age and burn the skin. Have you ever taken a good long look at yourself after your skin has started to tan? It probably looks a bit dry, rough and wrinkled. Over exposure to the sun can dull your skin’s appearance and even make you look older then you are. Never go into the sun without applying an effective Broad Spectrum sunscreen. Everyone’s needs differ, but for ordinary sun exposure during the day, we recommend at least SPF30.
Working Too Hard
Well, it’s not exactly working too hard, but more about the long hours spent at the office. You’re most likely sitting indoors, exposed to forced heat or air-conditioning all day long. What you really need is some nice, fresh, non-recycled air to keep your skin from looking dull. The environment, coupled with the day-to-day stresses of commuting, meetings and short deadlines can result in dull, drab skin. So it’s important to give your skin (and yourself) a much-needed break. Get some fresh air, break away from your computer screen and make sure you have plenty of moisturizer on your skin to keep it hydrated and protected.
Not Getting Enough Exercise
Your skin benefits from daily exercise and its benefits can turn dull, drab skin into beautiful, glowing skin. When you exercise and your heart is really pumping, it helps deliver oxygenated blood directly to your cells. Your circulation is improved and your skin takes on that healthy, more youthful post-workout glow. It’s a win-win for your body and your skin. So, try to get some exercise every day. Even it’s just a brisk walk after work to help you unwind.
There’s no reason to look in the mirror and see dull, drab skin looking back at you. Follow these easy steps to turn your skin around so you can experience vibrant, glowing and more youthful looking skin each day. After all, the healthiest skin is always the most beautiful!
Written by beauty expert, Jacquie Carter. Jacquie is Director of Outer Nutrition at Herbalife.
By John Agwunobi, M.D., M.B.A., M.P.H., Chief Health and Nutrition Officer, Herbalife June 21, 2016 I am proud to work for Herbalife, a premier global nutrition company. We make healthy nutrition and meal replacement products that help millions of people…
Read more on Herbalife Has the Products and Support to Address the Rise in Obesity
Getting fueled up for activity is really no different for kids than it is for adults – the right pre-sport meals, staying hydrated and refueling after the event are the biggest concerns.
Active children can burn through a lot of calories – so much so, that it often seems there’s no way to satisfy their appetites. Children who participate in sports may have intensive practices and games several times a week, burning through calories like there’s no tomorrow.
When their appetites are out-of-control, it’s tempting to let active children eat what they want – thinking that they’ll just ‘burn it off’. But even when calorie needs are high, kids (and their parents) need to understand that it doesn’t give them license to eat foods with little nutritional value.
Getting fueled up for activity is really no different for kids than it is for adults – the right pre-sport meals, staying hydrated, and refueling after the event are the biggest concerns. The only wrinkle is that kids are often more picky about what they’ll eat than adults are, so it can be a bit more challenging to meet the nutritional needs of a child athlete.
Kids who are serious about sports, though, are often more receptive than others to trying new foods. When children understand that a healthy diet can help them with performance, it’s often a lot easier to encourage them to take in more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans – and less fat and sugar.
Children need to understand that their body is like an engine – one that needs the right fuel to run properly. Healthy carbohydrates – from fruits, vegetables and grains (like whole grain breads, crackers, cereals or pasta) – are the body’s preferred source of fuel. They help to not only sustain exercise, but are needed afterwards to help replenish body stores.
The body also needs healthy lean proteins – from foods like lean meats, poultry, fish, milk, yogurt, eggs and soybeans – to help build and repair muscles after exercising, and small amounts of healthy fats (from foods like avocados or nuts) to help meet calorie needs.
Susan Bowerman is Director of Nutrition Training at Herbalife. Susan is a Registered Dietitian and a Board-Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics.
Pushups are great for building muscle.
Your weight has a lot to do with how much fat and muscle mass you have in your body. Rather than getting hung up on a perfect number, let’s make sense of it all.
I was at the store last week when a woman asked me about my weight. I was caught off-guard when her response was ‘Wow, that’s so heavy for someone your size.’ My quick response was ‘muscle mass weighs more than fat,’ but I quickly had to clarify because that’s also incorrect. A pound of muscle weighs exactly the same as a pound of fat, however muscle takes up less space in your body compared to fat. Meaning that although I look small, I weigh much more than she expected to hear. My body composition is such that I’m made up of a lot of lean muscle mass and a relatively low body fat percentage.
I had to ask myself why I suddenly got so sensitive about the number on the scale when asked about it. I wondered if other people felt the same way when questioned about their weight. It seems to me that we’re heavily influenced by what others, including the media, think. They seem to convince us that weighing less is somehow better for us. This implies that the less you weigh, the healthier you are, but it’s just not true. Health and well-being can’t be measured simply by looking at a number on the scale.
This prompted me to ask some of my friends about their relationship with the scale. My hunch was correct—women tend to feel happier when the number on the scale is lower. Several women also admitted that even when they are at their “healthy goal weight,” they’re happy to continue losing. Men on the other hand seemed less concerned with their weight and more concerned with how they felt. Many admitted that they used how tight their belt was as a gauge to determine if a weight loss plan was working.
Asking people about their weight and how they felt about it prompted me to set the record straight. Weight is simply a number, and alone, it doesn’t mean much.
Concentrating on building your muscle mass can actually be incredibly helpful for a number of reasons. Working towards a good muscle mass ratio reduces the power of the scale, helps you build your strength and means you’re likely to be fit rather than simply slim. For many people, realizing their objective is feeling healthy and looking good helps them embrace exercise in their lives – and I always think it’s better for people to have fun with fitness than to deny themselves with a restrictive diet.
Avoid the weight scale blues
Getting discouraged is something we all want avoid on our journey to a healthy, active life. Negative thoughts can be very discouraging. I’ve also learned that when someone constantly check the number on the scale, it can prompt them to keep changing their approach before their body has even had a chance to respond or adapt to their new healthy habits.
Don’t quit on your health journey
Quitting because you don’t like the number you see on the scale should never be an option. It’s a matter of knowing your body. It’s important to take a positive approach to learning your body. If you monitor your results and don’t solely rely on the weight scale, it’ll boost your motivation to keep going.
Make lifestyle changes, not quick fixes
Maintaining a healthy body composition requires a total lifestyle focus. This includes balanced nutrition, regular physical activity (endurance, strength, flexibility) and stress management. Keep all three in mind as you choose your health goals. It’s important to understand that exercise can’t be used as a substitute for a poor diet. It takes a lot of physical activity to burn enough calories to make a difference with weight loss. And, cookies are not a good choice for stress management! Find time to balance your life, as it’s essential to help keep you on track.
The goal of exercising when you’re trying to change your body composition is to decrease the loss of muscle that’s often associated with weight loss. You don’t want to lose healthy muscle mass. Performing muscle-building exercises and consuming a balanced protein-rich diet can help you accomplish this task.
Striving to reduce your body fat, improve your muscle density, trim your waist and improve your overall appearance and sense of well being is a much better goal than aiming for a number on the scale. Try my fun muscle-building exercise routine that you can do while your kids are at the playground!
Playground muscle-building routine
If you have children, this fun routine can be done on the playground. You can encourage your children or friends to join you!
Perform a 10-minute warm up of your choice. Walking and stretching is a great way to get your blood flowing.
Round 1:
– 8 pull-ups on the monkey bars
– 12 squats
– 8 push-ups using a park bench
– Run for 30 seconds
Round 2:
– Go across the monkey bars two times.
– 15 squat jumps, jumping forward as far as you can with each squat jump
– 12 triceps dips using a park bench
– Jog for 60 seconds
Rest for 1-2 minutes after each round. Aim to perform three sets total.
Have fun completing this muscle-building workout and strive to keep your energy and spirits high as you work towards achieving your personal goals. Keep in mind that a healthy body is not all about the number you see on the weight scale.
Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA. Samantha is Sr. Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife.